Time length: 1st MAY - 31st MAY 2012
Week 1 (1/5 - 7/5)
1. Study Pattern and instructions
2. Collect Materials/Fabrics
3. Showcase fabric combo
Week 2 (8/5 - 14/5)
1. Cut fabric and interfacing
2. Iron interfacing
3. Showcase progress
Week 3 (15/5 - 21/5)
1. Sewing
Week 4 (22/5 - 28/5)
1. Sewing
Showcase Final Product : 29/5 - 31/5
It has been awhile since i last sew a bag.Good thing my friends in facebook has organised a sew along.Good
timing .I am quite in the mood to do some bag making.So today i startet of by photostating the template and
enlarged Amy's tutorial.Her tiny winy fonts are not kind to my eyes.So i took the liberty to photostat the book.
The template has been photostat and the tutorials enlarged |